Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Woman I Love - Jason Mraz

Maybe I annoy you with my choices
Well, you annoy me sometimes too with your voice
But that ain't enough for me
To move out and move on
I'm just gonna love you like the woman I love

We don't have to hurry
You can take as long as you want
I'm holdin' steady
My heart's at home
With my hand behind you
I will catch you if you fall
Yeah I'm gonna love you like the woman I love

Sometimes the world can make you feel
You're not welcome anymore
And you beat yourself up
You let yourself gettin' mad
And in those times when you stop lovin'
That person I adore
You could relax
Because, babe, I got your back

No, I don't mean to change you
You've got it under control
You wake up each day different
Another reason for me to keep holdin' on
I'm not attached to any way you're showing up
I'm just gonna love you like the woman I love
Yeah I'm gonna love you
Yeah I'm gonna love you
You're the woman I love

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


1. TO UPBRAID = to scold = to rebuke = to criticize
upbraiding = good or bad criticism

2. PAUCITY = lacking of, scarcity (scarce)
example, paucity of hair, paucity of ideas, paucity of answer

3. COALESCE = to come together, to unite
sce (around a goal)

4. CONVOLUTED = complex & complicated

angle, inscribe angle.

5. DECORUM = Politeness (of behavior)
Display nice decorum,

6. MALLEABLE = Easy to shape or bend

7. GERMANE = (to).. relevant, appropriate, related to

8. TO COLOR = to distort, to influence, to gloss over

9. PUNGENT = sharp and stimulating to the MIND or HEART, or SENSES or TASTES; durian, kimchi, his pungent word hurt me like a pepper.

10. PERENNIAL = long-lived, reappearing each year, perennial vacation mean you go to the same place every year

11. BOOR = rude or insensitive person
Boorish attitude, rude attitude

12. PRIMOGENITURE = being the first born
Primo mean first,

13. TO RELEGATE = to forcibly assign to a lower place/position, to make it less priority ( to postpone a bill payment which is due )

14. EPILOGUE = the part that comes after a novel, ending, finale

15. OSCILLATION = swinging back and forth, like the pendulum swing
(N) (r) to oscillate =

16. VARIEGATED = multicolored = fashion

17. PENCHANT = when you like something; preference
(N) -> liking

18. FROWARD = not obedient, stubborn, disobedient

19. PENANCE = confession of sin, repentance, admit

20. TO REPINE = to express discontent, complain

21. INVETERATE = deep rooted, habitual, ingrained

22. SUBTER FUGE = deception

23. OCCULT = hidden, concealed, eg like mysterious event, something you can't see

24. DETRACTION = slandering, verbal attack, say bad word about other people

25. IRIDESCENT (a)= 1. bright color caused by light
2. attractive quality or effect

26. RECONNOITER = to inspect, to discover
to engage in reconnaissance

27. PRESUMPTION = guessing, assuming,

28. TO FORSWEAR = to renounce, to repudiate, to disallow, to give up (synonyms)

29. UNTOWARD = troublesome, unruly, adverse, unseemly, unpleasant

30. TO COZEN = to deceive, to beguile,

31. SEDULOUS = diligent, hardworking, persistent

32. BEATIFY (verb) = to bless, to make happy
BEATIFIC (adjective) = having a blissful appearance

33. TO INVEIGLE = to obtain by deception or flattery ( not in a good way )

34. INELUCTABLE = certain, inevitable, unavoidable

35. SACCHARINE = flattering, too sweet = cloying

36. VIRULENT (adj) = 1. extremely harmful or poisonous
2. hostile, antagonist

37. PROLIFERATE (v) = to produce by multiplication of parts

38. ARCANE = obscure, secret, mysterious

39. DICHOTOMY = a division into 2 parts

40. MONOGAMY = married to 1 person, POLYGAMY means married to many person at one time

41. TO REMONSTRATE = (against) = to protest, to object

42. MAGNANIMITY (n) = noble (kind) in mind and heart, forgiving
MAGNANIMOUS (adj) = very good heart

43. SAGACIOUS = clever, smart = shrewd, discerning

44. AMBI- = both
AMBIGUOUS = uncertain
AMBIDEXTROUS = equally skillful with each hand
Prefix - AMBI
Suffix - -ing

45. BROMIDE = a boring or annoying remark

46. PLASTIC = not rigid, moldable, pliable, flexible

47. ASSIDUOUS = hard working, diligent = sedulous

48. CONUNDRUM = a puzzle, riddle

49. DISCRETION = maturity, ability to make responsible decisions

50. TO ASSUAGE = to relieve, to ease, to make less severe

51. TO PREEN = 1. to dress up
2. to preen on something = to be proud of something

52. TO LAMBAST = to denounce, to oppose, to renounce

53. TO DESICCATE = 1. to dehydrate, to dry out,
2. to make dull, boring

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dear heavenly father

It's been a while since I write my diary, and 30minute more will be my 1st month in Edmond, America. A lot of things happened during this period, I started to serve in worship ministry which I am thankful for Your grace and opportunity. I get to visit some of the places in Edmond, Oklahoma City and more; Asian Market, different kinds of food, and meet a lot new friends, awesome friends. Moreover, everything is starting to settle down; utensils, basic needs, a good Martin's guitar, an Ukelele, and a fixed window blind and much more. And the most important, this week is my final week in The Language company, times flies, two more days will be my final exam.
God, I truly experienced Your presence with me all the time, mostly when I'm alone. I heard Holy Spirit is trying to guide me, and speaks inside my heart. May these continue to be in my heart all the time, may Your light keep shining on me, as well shine for the others.
May the ten commandment always be in my heart,

The Ten Commandment
And God spoke all these words:

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

“You shall have no other gods before me.

“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.

“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

“You shall not murder.

“You shall not commit adultery.

“You shall not steal.

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

“You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:1-17 NIV84)

The greatest of it is Love,
If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:3, 4, 12, 13 NIV84)

I thankful for what I learnt in bible study class, although I just got started, I believe there are more to come. I thankful for brother Scott and sister Dana for their awesome joyful sharing. I thankful for every each person who handed me a hand when I am in need. I thankful for their guidance too. Dear God, please continue to bless them, strengthen them spiritually and also physically, may we continue to serve You more. Brother Timothy shared that it's not about how great is the worship is, it's not about how good the music is, it's not how good is the singer is, it's all about serving You sincerely, where it come from a pure heart. May you bless him and guide him during his days in China. I also pray for brother Jeremy who just got his new job, to continue be strong in health and mind, prepare to go for floorball tournament too. Oklahoma Twisters Floorball team will be going to Dallas this coming Saturday morning, as well myself are going too. May Your presence fill every one of us.

Dear Father, I also pray for my family and friends who is in Malaysia, I heard that Malaysia was also mildly affected by the earthquake from Sumatra. I pray for good health for every one inthe family, especially my family, my father who always work very hard for us, my mother who also doing her best everyday, and teaches Sunday school, may Your wisdom always be with her, I pray for my sister too. She will be taking SPM this year, I pray that God strengthen her, especially emotionally. Please grant Your wisdom into her, she always tired after school and extra curricular activities, may You bless her with good health and also always reminded to prioritize her studies, practice more.

I also pray for Sharon. She just started Pathology as her new subject. Dear Lord, she always will be reminded that everything come from You. May she always draw Your wisdom to be her wisdom in everyday life. She is very hard working woman. Please bless her with good health, to have wisdom to allocate time for rest; so the brain can process more during her rest. May humbleness always stuck in our heart, we achieve a higher level, not because we alone, is because of Your grace. Be thankful and there more to come, together with God.

Indeed, there is more to come.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's been one week,

Dear merciful Lord,

Hosanna! Hosanna! Save us Lord! that's what I hear everyday now, I'm sorry that I have been busy and lazy these days. Dear Lord, please strengthen me in mentality and physically, and most importantly my faith. I seek Your holiness, please fill me with Your presence every day, I'm nothing without You. I have done a lot of things in the past week, I will have to list it down; I bought an electric skillet, Martin's acoustic-electric guitar which I have already dedicated to You, I did my laundry twice in a week, I failed my grammar test, starting TOEFL preparation, my team and I won third place in RJ Wave Challenge, I won as a MVP, I met a lot of new friends, I started to train as a floorball player, I got my documents that I have been waited for 1 week.

The skillet is really useful when it comes to stir-fry, it made a lot easier compared to the multi-purpose rice cooker. Dear Lord, I really like the guitar that I have right now, although I didn't manage to get myself a Taylor's guitar, but I'm really grateful that I got a Martin's guitar which sound good too, I dedicated to You, and may I serve You well in ministry. Dear Lord, thanks for every opportunity that You given me, somehow it really amaze me when things happen so fast and smoothly. Although there is up and down each day, strengthen me to be humble and grateful even bad circumstances happen. Next, I failed my grammar test on last Friday. Even though that I'm on level 7, I still failed my grammar. It's been a while that I studied about grammar, I thankful for I can speak 5 languages fluently. I thank You for these blessing, it enable me to speak and share with different people with different background or culture. I'm starting to practice my TOEFL lesson starting next few day, I thank Mr.John and Mrs. Melissa willing to spend extra time to teach the students.

In addition, I would like to thank Jeremy, Sybella, Timothy for encourage me to join RJ wave challenge. It's truly a good opportunity to allow me to invite friends from TLC to come together in the house of God. I thank Wayne, Ken, and Lucky for their participation and time, and we won the third place which really amazing. Although there are friends who unable to join the event, please bless them too. I believe there are many more to come, I do believe that. Last Friday, I attended Miss UCO International Pageant night, it was awesome. I experienced different cultural group of people who represent their nation, you know what am I saying? It was truly an awesome performances by each contestant. Next, I thankful for I met a lot of new awesome friends here; Emma from Korea, Mohammad, Ryan, a lot of church members like brother Hui. Moreover, I can't wait for this coming English-Chinese combined church service! Hosanna!

I started floorball as a beginner. I trained for the 3rd time now, I see a little bit improvement in me. And yes, there are many more to come. I pray for a stronger physical and mentality. Thank you Lord, I have received the documents for many application process. A big hand for my parent, cousin, and neighbor for their supporting role. Dear Lord, there are many people outside still reaching for You, seeking for Your glory. I pray that God please enlighten us as your disciple to shine alight to the others, may Your Will be done.

John 17:24 NIV
"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world."

I pray for those who will having difficulty or obstacle in life will treat as a blessing in life, there is always a purpose in every circumstances. I pray for those who will be going for exam, like Sharon, please bless them with wisdom and steadiness while answering the exam question. I pray that they can manage their sleeping hour to get good rest as our physical body need rest to perform better. And yes, we are nothing without You, by Your grace, we are filled ; let this bible verse struck inside our deep heart and thought.

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work. (1 Corinthians 3:6-13 NIV)

I thank You for hearing my prayer although I spend an hour to type all of this. Thanks for being a lovable Father in my life. May You Will be done, may Your children in the world glorify Your name, may the Holy Spirit guide us in our every day life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A new start has begun,

Dear wonderful Lord,

I thank you for strengthen my everyday life, I truly enjoy being with You, Lord. I tremble before You. When Your Word flow inside me, I tremble. All the rejoice for Your glory, how great is our God, all nation will see how great is our God. Today was a amazing morning to started with, I woke up early and got prepared for the first day of TLC Orientation day. I went to Thatcher hall with Shanda, Kelly, Yusuf, we are all nervous for the first day, especially for the English Placement Test. I'm thankful that I got Level 7 with the English Placement Test, it's not because how smart I am, it's all because of You Lord, you gave me wisdom and cheerfulness to answer the question calmly. How great thou art, please always keep me reminded, not to boast, not to be proud, because I'm nothing without You Lord, let my soul always put You on first place, let my soul always rejoice with You, no matter what circumstances, fill me with gladness and appreciation, oh Lord.

I believe no matter how busy one's life is, there is always time for You Lord, because You given us time, we should always be reminded of that. By Your grace, we are first loved by You Lord, I thankful for that. Dear Lord, I met new friends today, Kelly from Korea, Helen, and Ken both of them from Mainland China. I know there's some difficulty in them to express with English, Oh Lord, please give them wisdom as they need it to proceed to the next level. I will do as much as I can to help them if they ask me. I'm thankful that Shay, could consider about my situation for not having a social ID yet, thank you Shay! And hooray! my toilet bowl was finally got fixed. Thank you Shanda for helping me out. I thank Hicham for his wonderful orientation sharing. I thankful for Kelly from Korea for waiting me at the office, and showed me her eager to learn English in order to improve her secondary language and a way to have a better opportunity in term of finding a job in Korea.

Not to forget about my parent, they have been doing a great effort to get information and certification for me in Malaysia. I thankful for their everlasting support in my life, no matter how many times I failed them, they are still a lovable parent to me. I thankful for that. Dear Lord, I do believe You have a purpose in my life, it's just that I have not realize what is it, yet. Please guide me, step by step. I pray for the next things to come, even more. I put my faith in You. You are my potter, and I'm Your clay, but together, we shape it together. I thank You for this life. More to come!

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A day that strengthen my faith in You Lord,

Dear Almighty Lord,

Dear Lord, my savior, my shepherd, who guide me all the time, and love me before I know You, I thankful for your amazing grace and your amazing love to me, Oh Lord, it's a beautiful Sunday today, I have the opportunity to serve you as a guitarist, I truly enjoyed the moment of worship, and seek for more, for You. I thankful for the wonderful sermon today by Rev. Yuxia, about we as your disciple got nothing to lose to surrender our life to you, and put our faith in You, as you are the shepherd and we are your lamb, you are our comfort, our protector and eternal father. I thankful for Mrs Dana and Mr Scott sharing during the bible study session, it's truly a wonderful sharing. I got to know much more about chapter Exodus, and I really do pray for Jesus's blood to surround me to keep me away from the unholy spirit, to keep me safe, please send your angels to protect me, and my family too. Today I get to know that my mom is sick at the moment, please strengthen her body to fight back the sickness in her, I thankful for all of them who done so much thing for me, even now they have to go around the clinic, and schools to get some document certification. I thank God for a loving parent, loving sister, loving relatives, and loving friends to support me in my life. Oh Lord, I get to know that Sharon requested me to pray for her, she told me that she having quite a hard time with Neuroanatomy chapter. God please strengthen her faith in You, that provide her wisdom to memorize the medical terminology for this chapter, and I pray that Holy Spirit will guide her making choices, all these are to glorify Your name. As we know that, we are nothing without You. I do pray her for health in physically and mentally remain strong throughout her days in University, I also pray that God that You send angels to protect her, always. I pray that holy spirit will fill her desire in relationship for good reason, guiding her to make friends, whom to be friend with, and keep her away from the lust and confusion between a man and a woman, guide her to be alert with these temptation, Lord, I surrender her to You as I put my faith in You that You will continue to cultivate good thing in her, and she would serve You with her abilities that given by You. You first love us.

Tomorrow will be my first day of English class, Lord, whatever happen I will put my faith in You because you know what is the best for me. I will do my best for the placement test, and about the bank account which I'm still not eligible for opening up an account, I surrender all problem to You, I will continue seek your words and guidance because I believe You, by faith. I couldn't think what will happen tomorrow, oh Lord, I surrender.

Thank you for hearing my prayer.
In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's a good start for me, Thank You Lord.

Thank You God,

Hello God, I woke up quite early today morning, 7.15am in the morning, then I sleep again and woke up at 7.40am, after get myself cleaned up, I went to play badminton with Jo Wyee and Sabrina, it's been a while that I played badminton back in Ranau, I sprained my hand a little bit, I think it's fine, I just hope that it won't affect my guitar playing tomorrow at Sunday service. Yes, I'm really thankful that I got a opportunity to serve You in church, I thankful for church member give me this opportunity too.

Well, I was very hungry during the badminton game, after waiting for an hour, finally we got our way for lunch, but unfortunately we got lost on track to the Sze Chuan Bistro, which mislead us to House of Hunan, I was real hungry that time, but thank God, we eventually get to the right place using the GPS, it's very advance in America, which I kinda like it. Ahha, and we are in the restaurant, it's my first time to eat Sze Chuan gourmet, I ordered Ma Po Taofu which I have been waited for a long time for this dish, I was attracted by a comic book called "Cooking Master Boy". And I really thankful that I met new friends again like, Wei Lun from Singapore, Andrian the funny guy from Indonesia, Jo Wyee we met before, Tracy from China, A Vietnamese girl study in UCO, and Sabrina we met before, Andrian is really a funny person, I couldn't stop laughing when he talks. We have a good time in the restaurant, and I think all people in the restaurant are annoyed by our loud conversation, well it's okay. I thank You Lord, I met a lot of friends recently.

I went back to dormitory after lunch, thanks to Jo Wyee for riding me back dorm. The bad thing is, my toilet bowl still a mess for me, it still not fix yet, I called Mrs Shanda, she helped me to inform the plumber to fix it for me, she is nice to me. It was alright, I fell asleep after a tired badminton match and awesome lunch that I ate 3 bowl of rice. I miss the rice fragrance, it made me miss the foods back home in Malaysia. Thank You God, for letting me to serve You in music, I thank God that Jeremy came by and fetch me to church, we went for rehearsal for tomorrow service, it's really quite a experience for me as I did not play English worship songs before, I hope I cope up with the rhythms although there's a lot of trial and error. It's never been mine, it's always been Your, Lord. Please strengthen my faith, physically and mentally to serve You better Lord.

Tomorrow will be a good start, a new life experience, a new chapter for me. I thank You for this opportunity, for loving me as Your son. You never left me behind, You are my only God. I pray for tomorrow service, I will get to meet Pastor Lau who is from Sarawak. I'm excite for tomorrow, well Lord, in order to serve You well, I'll sleep early. Thank You for hearing my prayer, in the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen!

As March 24 2012, 11.55pm